International partner bishops send messages of condolence

Published: Monday April 24, 2017

Please see below messages we have received from our international partner bishops, after hearing the news of Bishop Michael’s death. 

SWEDEN: Diocese of Västerås

On behalf of the Diocese of Västerås, I want to give thanks for Bishop Michael. He gave a never ending energy to us in the partner diocese, and his contribution to our exchange was overwhelming indeed. Because of his engagement,  the partner diocese didn’t become one among other churchy things: he developed  real friendship. I am glad to have  had the opportunity of meeting Bishop Michael. His burning heart, deep knowledge, liturgical competence, and capacity of sharing gifts and friendship, made a great difference in our diocese. His memory will live among us in Sweden for a long time.

In the Light of the Easter Mystery our friend Bishop Michael has gone to meet our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Må han vila i frid. Requiescat in pace.

Mikael Mogren

Bishop of Västerås




 Diocese of Dornakal

I am deeply pained to hear that the Bishop Emirates – The Rt. Revd. Michel Perham slept in the Lord on Monday the 17th April 2017.  He had been very dear to us.  May his soul rest in peace.  It is time for us now to thank God for his life and great services rendered to the Gloucester Diocese.  We pray for God’s peace and comfort at this very sad time.

On behalf of Dornakal Diocese, I sincerely, request you to convey our deep condolences to his wife – Alison and the bereaved family and also the whole Gloucester Diocese who have lost a loving husband and a kind father and also a faithful servant of God.  May his soul rest in peace and May the eternal God grant and console the bereaved family.

With every good wish,

+ Prasada Rao Vadapalli

Deputy Moderator – CSI & Bishop in Dornakal:


Karnataka Central Diocese

It is  with a sense of gratitude to God I send you this message of condolence at the passing away of Right Reverend Michael  Perham. I know it is a great loss not only to the family but to the diocese as a whole. From his last message I was able to grasp how the Bishop was close with his Lord and Master. How he was able to accept the realities of this world especially this dreadful sickness. Although he was ailing but the crucifix and the Eucharist kept him going, Really admiring the trust and faith he had in His master Jesus Christ.

Although I may not be participating in the funeral service of Right Reverend Michael  Perham, Karnataka Central Diocese will specially remember in their prayers as you give thanks to God for his dedicated ministry for the Lord, My prayers are with the family and the diocese. May the Lord who overcame death  give that everlasting peace to the bereaved family. As Christians who experience the risen Lord in our daily life grant Right Reverend Michael  Perham life in its abundance, life in its fullness and life in eternity. May his soul rest in peace.

with thanks for Bishop’s life, Prayers and deep sympathies to the families,

I remain in His Ministry,

Bishop P K Samuel


TANZANIA: Diocese of Western Tanganyika

We the Diocese of Western Tanganyika, Partner  Diocese of Gloucester,  have received the sad news of the departure of our dear beloved Bishop Michael from this world to the Everlasting life to be with our Risen Lord. When I received an email from Alison that Bishop Michael passed away on Monday after Easter, I was shocked  with tears but on the other side of the coin my heart rejoiced because Bishop Michael passed away during the Easter season when we were celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord.

The Diocese of Western Tanganyika, is expressing the condolence  for the departure of our dear and good friend Bishop Michael. He visited our Diocese more than three or four times during his earthly life and he planted several trees at St. Andrew’s Cathedral and St Peter’s Church Katubuka Kigoma. The name of Bishop Michael will last forever in our hearts but also in the Diocese of Western Tanganyika.

We are all praying for Alison and we give thanks for her courage to be with +Michael during his last days on this planet. We are praying for the Diocese of Gloucester and for Alison’s family.

I wish I could attend his funeral but let us know so that even if I will not be there physically, but we will stop all our businesses and grieve with  you all.

Please assure Alison that we will continue to hold her in our prayers.



Bishop of Western Tanganyika.


USA: From Bishop Mary to the Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real

Dear Friends,
It is with deep sadness that I share with you the news of the death of Bishop Michael Perham, Bishop retired of Gloucester, one of our partner dioceses. As I shared last fall, Michael was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor that was the eventual cause of his death. For those of us who knew Michael through the partnership, among other things, we were inspired by his exuberant faith in the resurrection. He was a man of great hope and joy and a good friend to El Camino Real. He will be missed but the gifts he gave to us will remain in our hearts for a long time to come.

Bishop Michael’s last letter speaks powerfully of what he deeply believed about the all-embracing reality of salvation. And, of course, a blessing.

May Michael know himself fully alive in the resurrection with all the saints, and may we know it too as we are inspired and uplifted by this faithful man. The Lord is Risen! The Lord is Risen Indeed!

Easter blessings of grace and peace,

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